I don’t know if I can adequately put into words the love that I have for this wedding. I had been waiting for it to come for over a year and a half and then suddenly, after a 4 hour flight – it was FINALLY HERE! I was going to apologize for the 90+ photos that go along with this post and then decided that I didn’t care. This is what you get from a wedding that has been looked forward to for so long that also includes my first trip back East and into our Nation’s Capitol.
I was greeted at the hotel with a bag from the bride and groom.Filled with snacks to keep me going for the next 48 hours…
The morning came quickly (that 2 hour time difference from home would catch up with me in the end. I had 2 days of jet-lag to contend with once I was back home). And I meet the bride and the girls in her room.
Then checked in with the boys.
This First Look – I just had to post all of them. It was the sweetest.
THEN!!! We loaded in to the limo (the stretch Hummer limo!) and went to the Lincoln Memorial for bridal party pictures.
A little helpful hint, for all of your tourists, go around to the back of the Memorial. It is NOT busy and has some beautiful views.
We interrupt this wedding post to bring you a tourist picture of me with Abe.
Oh, let’s not forget the flash mob that the bride and groom joined!
Then it was on to the Hendry House in Arlington to get ready for the ceremony (and party).
The beautiful thing about doing a First Look is all of the time before the ceremony for pictures together! I can’t recommend it enough to all of my brides. Also, this almost kiss is one of the greatest.
Here comes the bride…
You did it! Ha ha ha, Christy, I love you!
Time for drinks…
and some cornhole…
while we waited for dinner to be set up.
There were some killer introductions.
And the sweetest First Dance (and we’ll just leave out the part about me realizing second before the dance was to start that I was out of memory on my card in my camera and a new card was up in the Bride’s Room… the worst 3 minutes of my life right there as I told everyone to HOLD IT and I sprinted as fast as I could into the house and up the stairs and back again…)
Dinner was served and after it was time to get the party started!
You know you’ve got a good party when there are selfies….a good crowd…
ice cream…
and the most intense dance-off I’ve ever seen.
Let’s not forget the star of the dancing hour(s) – Preston! Before and After.
And many thanks to the mad skills of Julio.I think we’ll end with this.
Many thanks to all of the great vendors involved!